Why Neo7 Neoantigen Solutions
2019 John A. Catanzaro
Why do we do what we are doing? We do it because we know that the current medical system is crippled and it therefore cripples the patients that depend upon it for help.
The current system is diseased offering cookie cutter treatments that they force fit upon people with damaging effects upon the body knowing that it’s not providing the ultimate solution, complicating the process and setting a patient up for failure. This still is in process even in the so called Precision Medicine arena as they use the old system with a new name!
Cancer and disease resistance is the byproduct of toxic therapies that destroy the intricate design of the human systems, ie immune system!! We are better than this people and we deserve a delivery system better than this!!
#precisionmedicine #immunesystem #cancer #cancertherapy #immunooncology #cancerimmunotherapy #personalizedmedicine #disrupter